Chest Wall & Abdomen: Pain Medicine

Item Information
Item#: 9780323846882
Author Waldman, Steven D.
Cover Hardback

Here is the perfect text you need to provide your learners with real-life clinical scenarios that are ideal for Case-Based Learning and Discussion.

Table of Contents

1 Chapter Costosternal Syndrome 2 Chapter Manubriosternal Syndrome 3 Chapter Intercostal Neuralgia 4 Chapter Diabetic Truncal Neuropathy 5 Chapter Tietze’s Syndrome 6 Chapter Precordial Catch Syndrome 7 Chapter Devil’s Grip 8 Chapter Fractured Ribs 9 Chapter Post-Thoracotomy Pain 10 Chapter               Nephrolithiasis 11 Chapter Acute Pancreatitis 12 Chapter Chronic Pancreatitis 13 Chapter              Irritable Bowel Syndrome 14 Chapter              Appendicitis  15 Chapter              Diverticulitis