Browse's Introduction To The Symptoms & Signs Of Surgical...

Item Information
Item#: 9781138330085
Edition 06
Author Corbett, Et Al.
Cover Paperback

Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Disease is essential reading for all medical students learning the fundamentals of history taking and patient examination, when undertaking a surgical rotation, when preparing for their surgical exams and as they transition to postgraduate studies. Maintaining the engaging and readable style so central to Sir Norman Browse's early editions, the sixth edition of this classic text retains all the features beloved by generations of students while being fully revised and updated throughout in line with current surgical practice.


Table of Contents
History Taking and Examination. The Heart, Lungs and Pleura. The Brain, CNS and Peripheral Nerves. The Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue. The Symptoms, Signs and Emergency Management of Major Injuries. Musculoskeletal Conditions. Bones and Joints of the Upper Limbs (Including Hands). Bones and Joints of the Lower Limbs (Including Feet). The Spine and Pelvis. The Arteries, Veins and Lymphatics. The Mouth, Tongue and Lips. The Neck and Salivary Glands. The Breast. The Abdominal Wall, Herniae and the Umbilicus. The Abdomen. The Rectum and Anal Canal. The Kidneys, Urinary Tract and Prostate. The External Genitalia.