Ghosts That Haunt Me: Memories Of A Homicide Detective

Item Information
Item#: 9781459749733
Author Ryan & Warmington
Cover Paperback
On Hand 0

After years working in homicide, retired Toronto detective Steve Ryan reflects on six cases he will never forget.

Retired detective Steve Ryan worked in Toronto’s homicide squad for over a decade. For Ryan, the stories of Toronto’s most infamous crimes were more than just a headline read over morning coffee — they were his everyday life.

After investigating over one hundred homicides, Ryan can never forget the tragedies and the victims, even after his retirement from the police force. In The Ghosts That Haunt Me, he reflects on six of the many cases that greatly impacted him — seven people whose lives were senselessly taken — and that he still thinks about nearly every day. While the stories are hard to tell for Ryan, they were harder to live through. Yet somewhere between the crimes and the heartache is a glimmer of hope that good eventually does prevail and that healing can come after grief.

Short Description
A true crime memoir chronicling a former homicide investigator’s darkest memories, taking readers into the labyrinth of a homicide investigation and what goes on in the detective’s mind during each investigation.

Review Quotes
True crime readers will likely have a difficult time putting the book down.

This stark and honest account is sure to move true crime and police drama fans.

The Ghosts That Haunt Me wasn’t an easy read but it’s an important one, delving into the psychology of evil and the toll it takes on those who hunt down the perpetrators.