Keep What You Love: A Visual Decluttering Guide

Item Information
Item#: 9781523509430
Author Van Der Hulst
Cover Paperback
On Hand 1

A charming checklist for decluttering.

In this whimsical yet practical guide to sorting through the too-much-stuff of modern life, the premise is simple: on each page, a delightful illustration of items that fill our lives-novelty ice cube trays, a manual typewriter, game pieces, that souvenir snow globe. And beneath each drawing, two little checkboxes: Yes and No. Look at the object. Note your response. Act accordingly!

Additionally, the book is filled with dozens of tips and ideas for what to do with things that may be hard to part with, like children&s artwork.

An inspiring gift!

Short Description
The charm of Flow'sTiny Pleasuresmeets the trendy practicality of Marie Kondo in a small, illustrated impulse book that serves as a decluttering inspiration and guide, asking the question "Do you really need....?" about all kinds of items you have in your home, from chipped dishes to old nail polish, defunct chargers to family photos, outgrown clothes and old toys.