Undead: Organ Harvesting, The Ice-Water Test, Beating...

Item Information
Item#: 9781400096114
Author Teresi, Dick
Cover Paperback

What is death, and how do people in the medical profession determine it? In this fascinating examination of the increasingly blurred line between life and death, consciousness and unconsciousness, science journalist Dick Teresi introduces us to the coma specialists, organ transplant surgeons, ICU doctors, and many others who are faced with this issue daily.The Undeaddescribes how death has been determined through the ages, beginning with the ancient Egyptians and leading to the 1968 Harvard Medical School paper that indirectly stated that death was not cardiopulmonary failure, but a “loss of personhood—i.e., brain death. Teresi explores the consequences of new technologies that extend people's lives but which conflict with society's desire to see them declared dead before their time.