Canadian Writer's Pocket Guide


Item Information
Item#: 9780176531614
Edition 05
Author Finnbogason & Valleau
On Hand 15

A Canadian Writer’s Pocket Guide continues to provide students with a handy and succinct reference guide that covers all they need to know about the writing process. Building on the success of previous editions, the fifth edition includes updates that reflect the impact modern technology has had on the writing process. If you are looking for a writing-focused handbook that does not overwhelm students and provides them with the information they need to be better writers, check out the new edition!

Table of Contents
Part One: The Writing Process Chapter 1: Prewriting I: The Basics Chapter 2: Prewriting II: Techniques Chapter 3: Prewriting III: Skill Development Chapter 4: Drafting Chapter 5: Revising Part Two: Academic Writing Chapter 6: Plagiarism Chapter 7: Writing the Academic Essay Chapter 8: Summary Chapter 9: Writing a Literary Analysis Chapter 10: Writing in the Social Sciences Chapter 11: Exam Strategies Part Three: Research Essays Chapter 12: Step 1: Defining the Assignment Chapter 13: Step 2: Developing a Preliminary Thesis Chapter 14: Step 3: Conducting Research Chapter 15: Step 4: Reading Chapter 16: Step 5: Making and Storing Reference Notes Chapter 17: Step 6: Drafting the Essay Chapter 18: Step 7: Revising the Essay Part Four: Documentation Chapter 19: Style Formats: An Overview Chapter 20: MLA Style Chapter 21: APA Style Chapter 22: Chicago Style Part Five: Basic Grammar Chapter 23: Parts of Speech Chapter 24: Phrases and Clauses Part Six: Sentence Elements Chapter 25: Parts of Sentences Chapter 26: Sentence Patterns Chapter 27: Sentence Types Chapter 28: Sentence Purposes Chapter 29: Sentence Variety Part Seven: Constructing Paragraphs Chapter 30: Sequencing Ideas Chapter 31: Paragraph Purpose Chapter 32: Paragraph Development Chapter 33: Paragraph Transitions Chapter 34: Paragraph Structure Chapter 35: Special-Purpose Paragraphs Chapter 36: Common Paragraph Problems Part Eight: Grammatical Sentences Chapter 37: Construction Chapter 38: Agreement Chapter 39: Common Sentence Problems Part Nine: Usage and Diction Chapter 40: Diction (Word Choice) Chapter 41: Pronoun Case Chapter 42: Pronoun Choice Chapter 43: Collective Nouns Chapter 44: Inclusive Language Chapter 45: Comparatives and Superlatives Chapter 46: Active and Passive Voice Chapter 47: Split Infinitives Part Ten: Punctuation Chapter 48: The Comma Chapter 49: The Semicolon Chapter 50: The Colon Chapter 51: Quotation Marks Chapter 52: The Apostrophe Chapter 53: The Slash Chapter 54: Parentheses Chapter 55: Brackets Chapter 56: The Dash Chapter 57: Ellipses Part Eleven: Mechanics Chapter 58: Italics or Underlining Chapter 59: Capitalization Chapter 60: Abbreviations Chapter 61: Numbers Chapter 62: Hyphens Part Twelve: Job-Related Writing (Web: Chapter 63: Business Documents