Broadview Introduction To Philosophy Vol 1

Item Information
Item#: 9781554814015
Edition 01
Author Bailey, Andrew
Cover Paperback
On Hand 10

This volume of The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy offers a thoughtful selection of readings in epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of religion. Substantial selections from important historical texts are provided (including the entirety of Descartes’s Meditations), as are a number of contemporary readings on each topic. Unlike other introductory anthologies, the Broadview offers considerable apparatus to assist the student reader in understanding the texts without simply summarizing them. Each selection includes an introduction discussing the context and structure of the primary reading, as well as thorough annotations designed to clarify unfamiliar terms, references, and argument forms.

Short Description

This anthology offers a collection of 41 readings in epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of religion, thoughtfully edited for the benefit of the student reader.

Table of Contents

How to Use This Book
Introduction What Is Philosophy? A Brief Introduction to Arguments Introductory Tips on Reading and Writing Philosophy

PART I: PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION Does God Exist? St. Anselm of Canterbury Proslogion, Preface and Chapters 2–5; Pro Insipiente (“On Behalf of the Fool”) by Gaunilo of Marmoutiers; Anselm’s Reply to Gaunilo St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologiae, Part I, Question 2: Does God Exist? David Hume from Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion William Paley from Natural Theology Gottfried Leibniz Theodicy: Abridgment of the Argument Reduced to Syllogistic Form J.L. Mackie “Evil and Omnipotence” Marilyn McCord Adams Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God Blaise Pascal “The Wager,” from Pensées William K. Clifford “The Ethics of Belief” William James “The Will to Believe” PART II: THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE Epistemology Plato “The Allegory of the Cave” René Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy John Locke from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Immanuel Kant from Critique of Pure Reason, Introduction G.E. Moore “Proof of an External World” Edmund L. Gettier “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?” Lorraine Code “Is the Sex of the Knower Epistemologically Significant?” Jennifer Saul “Scepticism and Implicit Bias” Lee Hester and Jim Cheney “Truth and Native American Epistemology” Philosophy of Science David Hume from An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Carl Hempel “Scientific Inquiry: Invention and Test” Karl Popper “Science: Conjectures and Refutations” Thomas Kuhn “Objectivity, Value Judgment, and Theory Choice” Helen Longino “Can There Be a Feminist Science?” PART III: METAPHYSICS Philosophy of Mind Gilbert Ryle from The Concept of Mind (“Descartes’s Myth”) Ned Block from “Troubles with Functionalism” Thomas Nagel “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” Frank Jackson from “Epiphenomenal Qualia” and “What Mary Didn’t Know” David Chalmers “The Puzzle of Conscious Experience” Amy Kind “How to Believe in Qualia” Free Will Paul Rée from The Illusion of Free Will, Chapters 1 and 2 Ishtiyaque Haji from Incompatibilism’s Allure A.J. Ayer “Freedom and Necessity” Harry G. Frankfurt “Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility” P.F. Strawson “Freedom and Resentment” Susan Wolf “Sanity and the Metaphysics of Responsibility” Personal Identity John Locke from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Bernard Williams “The Self and the Future” Daniel C. Dennett “Where Am I?” Derek Parfit “Personal Identity” Marya Schechtman “Experience, Agency, and Personal Identity”

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Review Quotes

Praise for The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy

“The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy is an outstanding text for introductory philosophy courses. It contains a wonderful collection of readings. Moreover, the editor provides highly informative introductions to the readings.” — Marc Ereshefsky, University of Calgary

“The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy is a carefully curated collection of classic and contemporary philosophical texts. In this volume, Bailey attains a more equitable representation of philosophers than is typical of most introductory philosophy anthologies, and his inclusion of additional materials—useful introductions, descriptions of overall projects, and background information—makes this anthology ideal for students in today’s introductory courses.” — Andrea Sullivan-Clarke, University of Windsor

“The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy offers helpful contextualization and clarification of its readings, along with overviews of how particular arguments fit into larger discussions. But it also offers something more. Blending the ‘canon’ with the new—in terms of both the issues raised and the voices raising them—this anthology offers a compelling answer to the perennial question in introductory courses: Why should I care about philosophy? Because it matters.” — Brynn Welch, University of Alabama at Birmingham

“The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy is a very useful collection, as it initiates questions in metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics out of considerations in the philosophy of religion. This is a compelling way to help students start philosophizing.” — Scott F. Aikin, Vanderbilt University