Score Anthology To Accompany The Complete Musician

Item Information
Item#: 9780199395514
Edition 04
Author Laitz & Sewell
On Hand 4

Covering works from the common practice and contemporary periods, the Score Anthology to Accompany The Complete Musician includes eighty-four complete scores for key works that are discussed in The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach to Theory, Analysis, and Listening, Fourth Edition. The anthology also includes several dozen additional pieces chosen to complement the works discussed in the text and its accompanying workbooks. Brief introductory notes and study questions set the scores in context and direct student learning.

Review Quotes
\"The best book on the market. It has a superior balance of basic and complex concepts, terms, exercises, and examples.\" --Peter Susser, Columbia University

\"I love teaching out of The Complete Musician.\" --Don Traut, University of Arizona

"The Complete Musician provides a more holistic approach to theory than other texts. This text will absolutely help students' performing abilities and how they approach and understand music." --Alex Nohai-Seaman, Suffolk County Community College

\"This text is comprehensive, extremely thorough, and sophisticated.\" --Jeffrey Loeffert, Oklahoma State University