Concepts In Thermal Physics
Item Information | |
Item#: | 9780199562107 |
Edition | 02 |
Author | Blundell & Blundell |
On Hand | 5 |
An understanding of thermal physics is crucial to much of modern physics, chemistry and engineering. This book provides a modern introduction to the main principles that are foundational to thermal physics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The key concepts are carefully presented in
a clear way, and new ideas are illustrated with copious worked examples as well as a description of the historical background to their discovery. Applications are presented to subjects as diverse as stellar astrophysics, information and communication theory, condensed matter physics and climate
change. Each chapter concludes with detailed exercises.
The second edition of this popular textbook maintains the structure and lively style of the first edition but extends its coverage of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics to include several new topics, including osmosis, diffusion problems, Bayes theorem, radiative transfer, the Ising model and
Monte Carlo methods. New examples and exercises have been added throughout.
Table of Contents
Part I: Preliminaries
1. Introduction
2. Heat
3. Probability
4. Temperature and the Boltzmann factor
Part II: Kinetic Theory of Gases
5. The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
6. Pressure
7. Molecular effusion
8. The mean free path and collisions
Part III: Transport and Thermal Diffusion
9. Transport properties in gases
10. The thermal diffusion equation
Part IV: The First Law
11. Energy
12. Isothermal and adiobatic processes
Part V: The Second Law
13. Heat engines and the second law
14. Entropy
15. Information theory
Part VI: Termodynamics in Action
16. Thermodynamic potentials
17. Rods, bubbles and magnets
18. The third law
Part VII: Statistical Mechanics
19. Equipartition of energy
20. The partition function
21. Statistical mechanics of an ideal gas
22. The chemical potential
23. Photons
24. Phonons
Part VIII: Beyond the Ideal Gas
25. Relativistic gases
26. Real gases
27. Cooling real gases
28. Phase transitions
29. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions
30. Quantum gases and condensates
Part IX: Special Topics
31. Sound waves
32. Shock waves
33. Brownian motion and fluctuations
34. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
35. Stars
36. Compact objects
37. Earth's atmosphere
Review Quotes
Review from previous edition: \"The best book I have ever encountered at this level ... a winner.\"
--Michael C. Mackey, McGill University
\"With so many results derived from so few assumptions, it is important that the presentation be clear and logical. Concepts in Thermal Physics by Stephen J. Blundell and Katherine M. Blundell fulfills that need admirably ... Concepts in Thermal Physics provides an excellent introduction to
thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. It deserves serious consideration as a textbook for any undergraduate course on those topics.\"
--Physics Today
\"...elementary and admirably clear expositions of a wide range of subjects not often found in introductory texts... many coming to the subject for the first time will want to consult this book.\"
--Contemporary Physics