No! I Won't Go To School

Item Information
Item#: 9780884486466
Author Nunez, Alonso
On Hand 0

Alonso N��ez�s playful story, Dave Morrison�s rollicking Spanish-to-English translation, and Bruna Assis Brasil�s imaginative illustrations offer a doomsday vision of a child�s first day of school that any young reader will recognize. Zombies, monsters, and dragons stalk this book�s pages. Cries of despair echo through them. Prisons and dungeons lie in wait. Is this a nightmare? Is it an apocalypse? Well, yes�because it�s the day before our narrator�s first day of school, and all entreaties to his mother are falling on deaf ears. Why should he go to school when he already knows two letters, �N� and �O,� and he knows they spell NO!, which is exactly the word this occasion demands? Why aren�t these magic letters working anymore? �