Pocket Prescriber Pulmonary Medicine

Item Information
Item#: 9781498744409
Author Batista, et al..

Pocket Prescriber Pulmonary Medicine is a concise, up-to-date prescribing guide containing all the \"must have\" information on a vast range of drugs that trainee pulmonologists, respiratory care physicians and nurse prescribers may encounter in clinical practice. Pocket Prescriber Pulmonary Medicine gives instant access to essential prescribing information, enabling on-the-spot decision making to provide the highest standard of care while mitigating prescribing errors.

Table of Contents

Contents. Preface. Acknowledgements. How to use this book. List of abbreviations. How to prescribe safely. Common/useful drugs. Drug selection. Antibiotics for respiratory tract infections. Asthma. Bronchiectasis. Chronic cough. COPD. Cystic Fibrosis. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Lung cancer. Palliative care and subcutaneous pumps. Pulmonary hypertension. How to prescribe. Anticoagulants. Controlled drugs. Inhalers. Intravenous fluids. Oxygen. Steroids and other immunosuppressive agents. Thrombolysis. Miscellaneous. Non-invasive ventilation. Pleurodesis. Smoking cessation & nicotine replacement. Respiratory emergencies. Acute asthma. Acute respiratory distress syndrome. Anaphylaxis. Bronchiectasis exacerbation. Carbon monoxide poisoning. COPD exacerbation. Exacerbation of cystic fibrosis. Haemoptysis. Oncology emergencies. Pulmonary embolism. Pneumonia. Pneumothorax. Respiratory failure. Sickle cell acute chest syndrome. Upper airways obstruction. Reference information. Arterial blood gas interpretation & reference values. Lung function interpretation & reference values. Useful formulae. Common laboratory reference values. Index.