Wisdom Of The Bullfrog: Leadership Made Simple (But Not...

Item Information
Item#: 9781538707944
Author Mcraven, William H.
On Hand 0


From the acclaimed, bestselling author of Make Your Bed—a short, inspirational book of advice and leadership lessons that Admiral McRaven collected over his four decades as a Navy SEAL.

The title “Bullfrog” is given to the Navy SEAL who has served the longest on active duty. Admiral McRaven was honored to receive this honor in 2011 when he took charge of the United States Special Operations Command. When McRaven retired in 2014, he had 37 years as a Navy SEAL under his belt, leading men and women at every level of the special operations community. In the ensuing four years, he served as Chancellor to the entire University of Texas System, with its 230,000 students and 100,000 faculty and health care workers.

During those four decades, Admiral McRaven dealt with every conceivable leadership challenge, from commanding combat operations—including the capture of Saddam Hussein, the rescue of Captain Phillips, and the raid for Osama bin Laden. 

THE WISDOM OF THE BULLFROG draws on these and countless other experiences from Admiral McRaven’s incredible life, including crisis situations, management debates, organizational transitions, and ethical dilemmas, to provide readers with the most important leadership lessons he has learned over the course of his forty years of service. Each chapter provides a Make Your Bed-like parable, rich with insights like those featured in his bestselling memoir, Sea Stories, about the specific leadership traits required to be at the top of your game, including:   Who Dares, Wins Run to the Sound of the Guns No Plan Survives First Contact with the Enemy THE WISDOM OF THE BULLFROG is Admiral McRaven’s clear-eyed treatise on the leadership qualities that separate the good from the truly great.

Table of Contents

The Wisdom of the Bullfrog

(Leadership Made Simple—But Not Easy)

Introduction-The BullfrogChapter One-The Code of ConductChapter Two-A Shepherd Should Smell Like His SheepChapter Three- When in Command, Command Chapter Four-Who Dares WinsChapter Five-Run to the Sound of the GunsChapter Six-Troop the LineChapter Seven- The Only Easy Day, Was YesterdayChapter Eight-Sua Sponte (Of Your Own Accord)Chapter Nine-It Pays to be a WinnerChapter Ten-The Deed is All Not the GloryChapter Eleven-No Plan Survives First Contact with the EnemyChapter Twelve-Can You Stand Before the Long Green Table?Chapter Thirteen-Always Have a SwimbuddyChapter Fourteen-Take it One Evolution at a TimeChapter Fifteen—Never Ring the BellConclusion

Review Quotes
"You might be able to find a book with more insights and superb advice about leadership than Bill McRaven's THE WISDOM OF THE BULLFROG, but I doubt it.  Drawing on a lifetime of successful leadership at all levels of the military and subsequently in other institutions, McRaven's succinct, witty and fast-paced book offers current and aspiring leaders a wealth of lessons learned and common sense approaches to navigating the many challenges of leading people and organizations. At a time of rapid change in every workplace, regardless of size or purpose, this is a book readers will dog-ear and underline.  Once I started, I could not put it down."—Robert Gates, former United States Secretary of Defense

“Admiral McRaven gives inspiring context to popular military maxims that turn mere words into wisdom and simple sayings into powerful leadership guidance. This book is an essential reference for anyone in a leadership position.”—Jocko Willink, retired United States Navy officer and author of FINAL SPIN

“An entertaining and straightforward discussion of what it takes to lead, from the consummate military leader of our age. Admiral Bill McRaven’s THE WISDOM OF THE BULLFROG is a thoughtful, yet easily digestible, guide to making each of us into better leaders – and people.”—Stanley McChrystal, former US Army genreal