Rogue Prosecutors: How Radical Soros Lawyers...

Item Information
Item#: 9781637586532
Author Smith & Stimson
On Hand 1

Rogue Prosecutors investigates the “progressive prosecutor” movement, exposing the frightening results of silencing victims and empowering criminals.

Rogue Prosecutors explains the origins, beliefs, playbook, funding, and real-life consequences of the “progressive prosecutor” movement—a group of newly elected prosecutors, their allies, and backers that refuse to prosecute crimes, hold criminals accountable, and seek justice for victims. Told through true crime stories from eight different cities, the authors explore how a radical movement funded and conceived by George Soros—and ostensibly designed to “reverse engineer” the criminal justice system as we know it—has succeeded in replacing law and order prosecutors with pro-criminal, anti-victim zealots.

Weaving together extensive interviews with victims, law enforcement officers, lawyers, and judges, Rogue Prosecutors offers a searing portrait of the devastation caused by the policies of these hand-picked activists, how their hands-off approach to prosecution has encouraged lawlessness and eviscerated the relationship with law enforcement, and why minorities have suffered the most in cities with “progressive prosecutors.” In story after story, the authors underscore that justice and public safety require prosecutors to hold all criminals accountable, and that the best choice for district attorney is not necessarily based on partisan politics, but between those who believe in law and order and those who don’t.

Review Quotes
“The push to capture local prosecutors’ offices by criminal justice reform advocates pursuing decarceration is still an underexplored phenomenon, given the movement’s electoral success. Smith and Stimson deliver an important and timely investigation of this movement, its component parts, and its potential effects on our most important societal commodity: public safety.”

Rogue Prosecutors is a thorough and compelling study that lays bare one of the greatest issues facing our country today—the way willful progressive prosecutors are flouting the rule of law, dismantling our criminal justice system, and enabling predators to victimize law-biding citizens with impunity; and how the perverse agenda of these impostors is devastating the lives and livelihood of those in our once-great cities.”

Rogue Prosecutors is hard to read—not because it is poorly written, it is in fact lucid—but because it lays out with such unflinching detail the horrific crimes that have resulted from left-wing prosecutors’ refusal to apply the criminal law. These opponents of law and order have enacted elaborate charging and sentencing policies that make it almost impossible to bring justice for victims and to prevent future crimes. The rogue prosecutor movement rests on race-based lies about America’s criminal justice system, lies that the media and academia relentlessly amplify. George Soros funded and provided organizational help to this destructive movement. Rogue Prosecutors is essential reading for anyone who wants to organize and to take back America’s streets.”

“You no longer have to win a majority in the state legislature or the governor’s mansion to significantly impact public safety policy in America. Instead, radical groups only need to win local, county, or city-wide prosecutor elections that typically fly under the radar.

Rogue Prosecutors highlights the benefactors and players across our country that are cherry-picking laws to enforce, ignoring crime, and making our communities less safe. Most importantly, the book provides a voice too often ignored in our debate on criminal justice reform in America: the victims.”

“An unvarnished and unapologetic takedown of the so-called ‘progressive prosecutor’ movement, Rogue Prosecutors reveals this misguided trend for what it is: an ideological distortion of the prosecutorial role that ignores the separation of powers, decades of thoughtful criminal justice reform, and—most tragically—the very communities it purports to serve.”

“In America, the prosecutor, often known as the District Attorney or State’s Attorney, is the central figure in the operation of the criminal justice system. It is he or she who determines whether a suspect will be charged with a crime, decides what crime is levied, obtains and presents the evidence for conviction, and is often significant in advising on the ultimate sentence. Prosecutors are governed in their work by their responsibility to make sure that justice is done and the community is protected. Charles Stimson and Zack Smith show in Rogue Prosecutors that when these officials abdicate their responsibilities and substitute their own ideas for what the law actually provides, the result is not only a breakdown of the system, but also massive increases in crime and the destruction, fear, and civic incivility that is now being experienced in many of our largest cities. This is a highly readable book which reveals how renegade billionaires can manipulate elections to place in office insidious zealots who undermine public safety under the false narrative of ‘social justice.’  It is an invaluable contribution and a must-read for anyone interested in the safety of our citizens.”

“Trading on the fictions of a mass-incarceration crisis driven by systemic racism, American progressives drew from their deep wellsprings of funding to execute a scheme as ingenious as it is destructive: overwhelm the electoral competition to capture district-attorney posts in the nation’s cities, and place law-enforcement power in the hands of radicals committed to non-enforcement. The results, as Zack Smith and Charles Stimson painstakingly document in Rogue Prosecutors, are a windfall for hardened criminals, the savaging of urban communities, and the evisceration of America’s existential commitment to the rule of law.”