Ecg Notes: Interpretation & Management Guide

Item Information
Item#: 9781719641944
Edition 04
Author Jones, Shirley A.
Cover Spiral bound

Compact rhythm analysis guide with 125 ECG rhythm stripsComplete coverage-basics, ECG (including 3- and 12-lead) ACLS, PALS, meds, and CPRCPR algorithms in tabular formatTest Yourself ECG strips feature over 30 real-life arrhythmiasClinical Tips throughoutPALS tab (Pediatric Advanced Life Support)Peds coverage throughout…Meds-Doses where applicableSkills-Defibrillation, automated defibrillation (AED), and cardioversionBasics-Normal vital signs values

Table of Contents
Tab 1 Basics
Tab 2 ECGs
Tab 3 12-Lead
Tab 4 Medication
Tab 5 CPR
Tab 6 ACLS
Tab 8 PALS
Tab 9 Test Strips
Tab 10 Tools