Animal Welfare In A Changing World

Item Information
Item#: 9781786392466
Author Butterworth, Andrew

Contemporary and challenging, this thought-provoking book outlines a number of the key dilemmas in animal welfare today and tomorrow. The key issues range from the welfare of fur and fashion animals, to debates around intensive farming versus sustainability and climate change, to animals in tourism, rodeos, races and fiestas. The human-animal welfare impact is explored, including human impact on marine mammals, fish, wildlife, companion and farm animals, together with our impact on zoo and laboratory animals.

Animal Welfare in a Changing Worldgives:

- Concise, highly readable summaries on the important issues in animal welfare by world experts and key opinion leaders
- Opinions which are balanced with an evidence-based approach and are challenging
- Color illustrations and links to videos to further illustrate the debates
- A wide ranging collection of case studies and descriptions of animal welfare topics which outline the dilemmas to anchor them in the real world

This must-read book is essential for animal and veterinary scientists, ethologists, policy and opinion leaders, NGOs, conservation biologists and indeed anyone who feels passionately about the welfare of animals.