Run Like Hell: A Therapist's Guide To Recognizing, Escaping

Item Information
Item#: 9798886451597
Author Macaluso, Nadine

Change your present and seize your exceptional future by escaping your painful trauma bond, healing,andthriving!

At age twenty-two, Nadine married Jordan Belfort, the nefarious stockbroker portrayed in the Hollywood blockbusterThe Wolf of Wall Street. Their marriage began as a fairy tale, but once they were bonded, Jordan's “mask began to slip, and acts of infidelity, narcissistic abuse, insatiable greed, and uncontrollable drug addiction became Nadine's nightmare.

The horrific relationship gave Nadine the inspiration to become a psychotherapist specializing in narcissistic abuse, trauma bonds, and complex PTSD. Her private practice quickly flooded with women recounting an all-too-familiar story of abuse with a pathological partner. Perhaps this scenario resonates with you.

InRun Like Hell, Nadine brings you her personal experience and years of expertise to explain

• the mental health of the narcissistic pathological lover (PL),
• the traits of women who are the perfect “victims of these PLs,
• how you can leave a trauma bond safely, and
• how you can heal.

​Nadine also shows how you and other women can besurthriversof these trauma bonds and go on to have healthy, positive relationships and lives, armed with knowledge and awareness. SoRun Like Hellfrom damaging trauma bonds and live with awareness, practice self-love and care, and thrive, regardless of your past.